You can register here until 21st of September.
Do you like to get to know new people and enjoy cooking? Join Darmstadt kocht! – a free cooking event in Darmstadt.
We assign you a course and a cooking partner by lot. Together you form a team of chefs and prepare a dish. For each course there is a host team and two guest teams. This means that with every meal you meet two other teams and end up with many new contacts at the end of the dinner. To complete the evening all chefs will meet at Schlossgarten after the dessert.
1. You register for Darmstadt kocht! You don't have a kitchen? No problem! We will assign the teams so that your cooking partner has a kitchen and a place to eat.
2. You will receive an e-mail with name and contact details of your cooking partner. The mail also contains information about your course, so that you know whether you will prepare the starter, main dish or dessert. You will also be informed whether one of your guests has an intolerance or is a vegetarian. In the e-mail you will find out at which places you’ll be for the other courses.
3. Now it’s time to get creative. Decide with your partner what dish you will prepare.
4. Darmstadt kocht! begins! The evening could happen like this:
Preparations: Let’s say you and your cooking partner are responsible for the main dish. You meet in the afternoon to prepare everything for your guests before you leave and meet two other teams for the starter. You should not forget to have enough drinks for you and your guests!
Starter: Together you meet at 18:00 for the starter at your first host’s place. You will get to know two more teams and can start the evening with the first culinary delight.
Main course: The teams now separate and go their own ways for the main course at different places. But you’ll meet again at the after-dinner party. Your guests – again two new teams – arrive at 19:30. Together you enjoy the main course.
Dessert: Now it’s time to say goodbye again. You and your cooking partner need to be at your last host at 21:30. Here you can enjoy the dessert and maybe some drinks to get ready for the party.
After dinner gathering: At 23:00 the chefs meet somewhere (we still have to figure out a place, but will tell you in time) to share stories and recipes and chat to new friends.